With more and more people on the go, being able to get the information that they want in an easy to access format is a must. Today people want on-demand content. Rather than newsletters, email blasts, or heading to websites to get that information they want to be able to access it when, where and how they want. With the rise of smart devices this is especially so. A podcast is an outstanding vehicle for offering that sort of content. You have made the decision to start one, so what comes next?

First we need to reevaluate our way of thinking. The focus of outbound marketing techniques like newsletters used to involve sales to some degree. Today however no one wants to be sold to when they are looking for info. Your podcast should offer useful info based on your chosen industry rather than resorting to “salesy” content. Offer industry stats, interesting tips, or even stories of successes or failures in your industry and how to achieve or avoid the same. Keeping your content interesting will help keep listeners coming back for more.

To this end you should always listen to what your audience has to say. Offer them a way to respond and communicate. Invite them to offer their input. You may even let them have a say in the topics you discuss. All of this can help to build a two way conversation which is what today’s socially driven economy and society is all about. This also means making sure you remain genuine. It is one thing to drone on and on about a topic. It is a whole other issue when you incorporate inflection, depth of character, and such. You will be able to achieve a much more personal connection which can in turn help strengthen the listener’s desire to keep coming back.

Once you begin your podcast there is another major question you must address. Will you have guests on your show? Many people like to hear guest speakers as the may be able to offer information or outlooks that you might not offer. This being said, you should make sure that the guests you invite are interesting and easily followed. Invite guests who are lesser known so that your listener is not stuck hearing the same old “industry experts” that they have listened to over and over. This will help keep your podcast interesting and people tuning in to see who you have on the show next.

A podcast offers an excellent opportunity for connecting with an audience that you might otherwise miss. By keeping your content relevant, avoiding sales pitches, allowing listener input and inviting interesting and pertinent guests you will find it much easier to build up your audience.