Continuing along its current track of integrating features first used by other social networks (Ticker = Twitter feed? You decide!) Facebook has now fully embraced hashtags. These #keyword phrases are denoted through the use of the pound sign or hashtag as it is known online. Twitter has been using hashtag for quite some time, and Google+ had already embraced them as well. This move by Facebook may have been spurred on by the fact that
users were using hashtags on the social network whether they worked or not.

This means that there would be a very small period of acclimation for many folks. In truth it was simply a matter of time for hashtags to find their place in other prime networks. The trouble is that Facebook isn’t done with the emulation. Now they are testing an integrated trending topics section that will show in users’ news feeds. Just like the trend box on Twitter, this section will list popular trending hashtags and topics that are gaining interest across the site.

While only a small section of users in the US have been included in the testing phase, it is reasonable to assume that Facebook will wholeheartedly complete and release this new feature.

The struggle for dominance over the social media market continues to deepen. LinkedIn has cut ties. Facebook continues to seek ways to wrench control away from Twitter. Google+ continues to strengthen and grow. As online media continues to strengthen and pull watchers from cable and regular TV, the fight over attracting advertisers will only get worse.

To date, Twitter has been the go-to for finding out which topics are hot and being talked about. This ability is tied directly to their use of hashtags. Now that Facebook is reaching into the hashtag pot it will be interesting to see how Twitter goes about trying to one up their competition. Facebook has rolled out trending topics for its mobile app. Now it is in the testing phase for pc users. It will not likely be much longer before the second gauntlet is thrown.

The question is, will this continued change make a difference with users? Facebook’s Ticker was a major point of contention for many users. How much more angst will the inclusion of another section create? Will users have the ability to shrink or close this section as they can the ticker? As Facebook continues to make changes, some okay and some not, we have to begin wondering at what point it will be before the social network begins hemorrhaging users to the point of no return.

Got an opinion on Facebook’s newest feature? Want to sound off about their clarification on their privacy policies? Just have a general question you want answered? Let us know below in the comments!