Having a blog for your business is easy, cost effective, and a great way to gain social media exposure. While blogging you can share your expertise in your field, share up to date news or information about your business, and show your customers that you are active in trying to meet their needs. As a blogger myself I try to follow some simple guidelines so I have put together a few tips that have helped me and might help you along the way.

  • Update your blog often to keep it fresh. By updating your blog search engines will index your website pages more and allow new customers to find you. People will only visit if they like your content though so don’t get caught up in posting just to post something. Make sure your content will reach out to your readers.
  • Link back to your website and share your blog posts on your social media pages. A friend of a friend can be your friend too. You will be amazed by how the likes, re-tweets and shares can bring more people to your doorstep.
  • Mix it up a little. Your blog is a great way to advertise and promote your products but you don’t want to get burned out on what you’re writing. Grab a camera and make a video blog, do a picture tutorial, infographic or ask your customers what they want to hear about. You can also bring in a guest blogger, interview an employee, someone who has tried your products/services, or even someone else in the same field.
  • Make sure you allow your readers to comment on your posts. Having a blog allows your customers the chance to interact with you. Their feedback and tips can be useful to your company. Make sure to comment back to show your readers you hear them and care about what they are saying.

Above all else remember to have fun! Blogging shouldn’t be a chore; your readers will be able to tell when you’re excited to share something with them.