Spring is in the air, and now, it has officially launched on the calendar. Which also means we are nearing the end of the first quarter for 2016. With planning, goal setting, year-end wrap-ups, new initiatives, and tax season, Q1 passes all too quickly for some. It is also a benchmark for many to check in on the progress of their business goals. One area you shouldn’t neglect is your digital marketing strategy. (Don’t have one? Get started here or learn more here.)


By the end of Q1, you should be able to revisit your social media and content marketing strategies to collect data, evaluate ROI, implement or modify content campaigns, plan for second quarter tweaks or initiatives, and make sure you have the personnel or resources available for your marketing efforts.

All of this probably makes sense to you. It probably sounds like an important thing to do. But…you have a limited amount of time. How do you even begin to tackle spring cleaning your digital marketing strategy? Glad you asked. Here are 4 key areas, each really a sub-strategy, to check:

  • Video. Tired of hearing us (and so many others) talk about video? Well, it continues to be the front-runner in social media performance on nearly all platforms. It’s past time to be comfortable with the idea of putting your brand on camera. Live streaming might not be a fit for you right now, but you should be looking for companies who are doing it now- and doing it well. Whether you dip your toe in the shallow waters of behind-the-scenes Instagram videos or dive into full-production Facebook or YouTube videos, you should have a strong focus and plan for company video in 2016.


  • Social Advertising. Social media is pay-to-play, some platforms more than others. Facebook advertising is almost impossible to escape if you want to see your page perform well on a consistent basis. Instagram advertising opened to all brands last year. With the upcoming changes to organic feeds on the platform, brands will have to have a defined strategy for optimizing ads on this platform. Pinterest, a high-performing platform for driving sales, offers great advertising opportunities and is now available for all users. Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn are also great places that deserve dedicated, strategic ad budgets. Along with allotting financial resources to the various platforms, you must set realistic goals, establish timeframes for campaigns and measurement, assign creative control, and direct executable to-do lists, including action ownership. Advertising on social media is a must, but it is not something that should be taken lightly or done without proper planning.


  • Community. Sometimes it’s all too easy to get caught up in only analyzing the numbers through engagement, post creation, and reach. However, a key component to a successful digital strategy is ensuring your brand is reaching and resonating with the RIGHT audience. The size of the online market share is not as important as the fit of the audience. Establishing personas for your brand is a great place to start identifying who exactly you want to, or should, be talking to online. When you are dusting off your analytics, it’s a good idea to check in on the audience you are finding and engaging with. If you aren’t hitting the right targets for your business, it might be time to reevaluate your content, advertising, and other efforts.


  • Content Marketing. Wait, isn’t this the same as digital marketing? Actually, no. Content marketing is a key component of inbound marketing. Much like branding, content marketing sets a tone for your business. It also serves as consumer education, a conversation starter, an opportunity for customer engagement, a sales tool, and, perhaps most importantly, as an SEO boost for your site. When conducting your spring cleaning, you should spend the time to craft a content marketing strategy. Make sure you educate yourself on the most important aspects and then tailor relevant points for your business. As with any marketing endeavor, don’t go through the motions just to check the box. Make sure the effort you expend on content will ultimately pay off for you and for your business.


As a business owner, you are always facing too much to do and far too little time in which to accomplish your tasks. But, as this quarter draws to a close, it’s worth the extra effort to do a little spring cleaning with your digital marketing strategy. Starting with the four areas listed above will go a long way in helping ensure your business is in good shape to head into a successful Q2.