Getting the most from LinkedIn means doing more than throwing up your resume and waiting for the perfect client. There are a few small changes that you can make to your profile for instant improvements. But remember, LinkedIn is not a passive site – you need to get involved, post regularly and let yourself be heard.

1. Optimize Your Profile by Knowing Which Sections Rank Higher

There are plenty of different sections to fill out in your LinkedIn profile. When a potential client or employee uses the search function LinkedIn’s algorithms give a different weight to certain sections. The most important profile sections are Headline, Name, Company Name and Job Title. Alongside those, LinkedIn also gives significant weight to your Skills.

It is crucial to have a 100% complete profile because blank fields or generic terms will see you fall to the bottom of the rankings. Make a list of the keywords that relate to your business or career and then try these as search terms on the site. If you are not ranking on the first page then add these keywords into the weighted profile sections to see yourself climb the ranks. Remember, you can select up to 50 Skills – so maximize your chances by entering 50 that are relevant to you.

2. If LinkedIn Gives you Space – Use the Space

In the same way that you can select 50 Skills you can also join 50 LinkedIn Groups. Take full advantage of every option that LinkedIn gives to promote yourself. There are 120 characters available for your Headline and 2000 for your Summary. You don’t want to fill these with garbage, but take the time to craft some text that uses all of the characters you are given. You are writing to be read, but you are also writing to be found.

Paint a complete picture of yourself or your brand. Your LinkedIn profile should be working for you – attracting clients, customers or recruiting agents. Don’t leave it empty.

3. Know Which Keywords DON’T Rank for Search

The Contact section on LinkedIn doesn’t get included in the search. There is no need to stuff it with keywords, and all it should be used for is making people want to get in touch. Don’t hide behind an email address. Give people a phone number so that they can call you – you wouldn’t leave your number off your resume or your business card, so don’t leave it off LinkedIn. And save the keywords for the sections that count.

Update Now

With these tips, you should see an instant improvement to your LinkedIn ranking. Take the time to test the difference as you update your profile. Find out what works in your niche and continue to apply what gets the best results. You are no longer blindly firing off resumes and marketing material. Social media lets you measure at every stage. Get on top of your networking now.

More questions on how to maximize your LinkedIn potential? Give us a shout! Posse Social Media is more than happy to point you in the right direction.